
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก สิงหาคม, 2017

Day 1: Homesick

Since i was born, I’ve never been outside my nation state at all. Although my parent, who are teachers, have many opportunity to go the other nation. They had convinced me so many time to go with them. But i had said “NO” again and again. Just because I was too fear to be above the land. My mother keeps telling me that if you want to be on the big position, abroad is what you need to do. Then time change, my mind change. before I was a freshman in university, I make a promise that i will get every opportunities that can take me to my goal, the big position thing. So that is the reason, why I am end up here in front of my laptop on Lombok island. Indonesian's time is ahead Thailand about 1 hour. Currently, on Lombok island is 11.00 pm. That’s make Thailand’s time is 10.00 pm. Everything seems bad for me. Language, family, schedule, even my cell phone. They have different background life as i said with my teach before came here, “I want to learn different culture and bac